I totally get it...

Most days you wish you did not have that belly or those hips, felt tired although you have slept enough, felt gassy with all kinds of sounds that seem to be audible when you are with friends which is sooo embarrassing. And that internal dialogue that you are always fighting with when it comes to eating chocolate or fries that you see on the menu- not sure if you should order them or not. You know you shouldn't but you really want to.

You know you want to have a better relationship with yourself/food and more confidence in the way you look, feel and food choices. You want to be able to wear that dress and not worry about the girdle that you are wearing inside that is really squeezing the last breath out of you or hold your belly in or cover your arms by standing behind someone when taking a photo. You want stop being super conscious of the way you look and at the same time know that you are eating well to nourish your body to feel energetic and be around for your children to do fun things!!  

You want to do all of these things but you have not been able to sustain any diet that you have tried in the past. You have done your best and stuck to it for a good few months before going back to your normal way of life. And then all the weight creeps back up. Then you think why did I start in the first place? Every time to try a new diet, you feel this time will be different.

Here's how I can help

The only way you will be able to lose weight and nourish your body and mind is when you understand your own body and its needs and cravings.

Imagine eating out with friends without feeling guilty about that second helping of dessert because you know exactly what you need right now and know that this fuels you in a different way. Or being able to make sound choices of food at home or out in restaurants so that you don’t have any more indigestion. When you eat right for your body, you will see the weight shedding off on its own without any effort and you feeling lighter, so much more confident and simply looking amazing!! You will sleep better, have so much more energy with a strong body and mind as you eating right for your needs.

I am your best friend, your accountability partner that will make sure you are reaching your goal. I will clear your path of confusion and support you all the way giving you sound advice so that you know exactly what to eat to lose weight and have better digestion. Lifestyle tips that will only make you stronger physically and mentally. You will understand your cravings and how to address them as we get to the bottom of it and breaking free from mindless snacking because you are emotionally satisfied and well-nourished from inside out.

"Your body is your most priceless possession,
take care of it"


Extra pounds/inches




Low Energy




Fighting the internal dialogue


Mindless snacking




Confusion around diet trends

This is for you if you're ready to say good bye to 



90 Minutes Intensive Diet & Lifestyle Review

In this 90 minute session I will review your food and lifestyle form that you will complete and submit to me 48 hours prior to our session. You will receive valuable insight as to your current food intake and lifestyle and leave with some solid tips and education on ways to make some shifts if needed and areas that you may want to prioritize working on. 

-Adequate Protein Intake for a Vegetarian
-Pro Age for women in 40’s Essential diet and lifestyle 

*OR if you have something else in particular in mind, go ahead and apply or shoot me a DM  we can talk more about it!


• 90 Minutes Call via whatsapp or zoom
• 1 week follow up with whatsapp for support
• Custom notes and action plan



Lose weight & keep it off by fuelling your body the right way.

Learn to reduce your cravings, eat your favourite foods, improve your relationship with food, manage stress eating and have a positive mindset while losing weight.

We are not going to follow any particular diet but a way of eating that suits your body and its needs. It is a personalised approach.

I am your best friend and best cheerleader ensuring you are moving ahead in your weight loss journey.

• 60 minutes coaching calls every 2 weeks
• Whatsapp support throughout the 12 weeks with 48 hours window to reply
• Recipe & exercise suggestions
• Mindset & Motivation
• Tracker to keep you accountable
• Custom meal guidelines
• Strategy to manage your cravings
• Manage your social with ease
• Working deep in your subconscious to reframe food using NLP techniques
• Validity 16 Weeks





Spring & Autumn

Join in for a fun beginners 10 Day group cleanse and experience

• more energy 
• deeper sleep
• improved digestion
• discover your intolerances
• weight loss is a natural side effect of nurturing your body well.

· Whole foods cleanse (Eliminating allergens- dairy sugar soy peanuts corn gluten caffeine)
· Private facebook group
· Suggested Recipes given
· Shopping list 
. Supplement guide
· Hand book guide
· 2 Webinars
1) Preparation for the detox
2) How to reintroduce food in post cleanse to keep the good habits going.
· Private Facebook group support



This program is suitable for you if have 

• been overindulging in food lately
• bloating
• not sure of your food intolerances
• not sure why your digestion is off
• having headaches and feeling uneasy
• incomplete bowel movement

· 3 coaching calls at 90 minutes each via zoom or whatsapp
        1st explain the protocol   
        2nd Methodology of introduction to                      allergen food 
        3rd How to move forward post                            protocol
· Whatsapp support throughout with a 48 hour window to reply
· Elimination Diet for 3 weeks with a reintroduction of food over 2 weeks
· Custom food suggestions
· Protocol Guide
· Food Reintroduction Guide and Symptoms Tracker


End digestive symptoms
enhance immune system
reduce inflammation




I love talking about health and wellness. I never knew that I would be so passionate that I have now become a wellness speaker and have conducted in various institutions such as PwC, Philip Morris, WeWork, YPO, KGV, All About You Wellness Centre, Aberdeen Marina Club, Rotary Club to name a few.. I love to share and inspire people to eat and live healthier lives.

Signature Talks
• Lose the sugar and keep the sweetness
• 6 steps to Holistic Fat Loss
• Up Your Immunity
• Probiotics & Fermentation with Kimchee Making Demo
• Secrets to a Vegetarian Diet



Expectations for company culture have changed over the years. Are you meeting your team’s new needs?

These presentations are beneficial to your company by offering employees access to the latest nutrition and health information, as well as a professional care provider who can steer staff in the right direction.
I offer presentations (in person or via webinar) on the topics below or can tailor a workshop based on your staff’s interests. The sessions below include Q&A, handouts, recipes, shopping lists, recommendations, and resources where applicable. These sessions are interactive and fun to allow the employees to have a break from their work as well as learn about how they can take care of themselves better. Below are some popular topics:

• Optimising Brain Health
• Lets have more energy
• Caring for your wellbeing in uncertain times
• Lose the sugar & keep the sweetness
• Read it, before you eat it
• No more headaches!


client love

I have struggled with weight loss for a while. I tried different methods out there and like most people, I knew the principles of losing weight yet never sustained my goal. This time I thought a one on one approach with a health coach will be different. It was. 
Working with Shaira made me confront other issues causing me to sabotage my health journey. She has a holistic all round approach to health which is wellbeing. 
Now I know it is all about my well-being which includes my physical, emotional and mental health. When there is a balance across these spectrums I will experience optimum health. I must add that she gave me practical tips, things I could do as I continue my journey. Today I don’t talk of weight loss as my goal. I am conscious of my overall health and the results are visible. 
I would recommend Shaira for your health goals. Thank you Shaira. 

Thanks very much again for conducting a virtual event for us and it was very successful.

Sharia from The Wellness Lab conducted LIVE health talk for WeWork Hong Kong. The whole Hong Kong team members were invited and we received overall positive feedback in terms of the rich and inspiring content, clearness of content delivery and influential skills. Apart from that, Shaira always shows patience by listening to the participants' concerns and addressing their issues by providing different useful advice and solutions. She also demonstrates professionalism that always strives to deliver her events in the best way possible and we would like to express our appreciation of her efforts and passions of striving for perfection and success. 

I came to Shaira for some tips on lowering blood cholesterol & eating healthy. I have received great support and learnt a lot during our sessions together. She provides wonderful recipes for the new diet that she recommends & whole- heartedly follows up on emails giving all the tips that she mentioned during the meeting. Besides getting all the tips & recipes on healthy food I even gained good knowledge on exercise. Thank you so much dear Shaira for your love & support to help me kickstart a journey to healthy living.

I have struggled with weight loss for a while. I tried different methods out there and like most people, I knew the principles of losing weight yet never sustained my goal. This time I thought a one on one approach with a health coach will be different. It was. 
Working with Shaira made me confront other issues causing me to sabotage my health journey. She has a holistic all round approach to health which is wellbeing. 
Now I know it is all about my well-being which includes my physical, emotional and mental health. When there is a balance across these spectrums I will experience optimum health. I must add that she gave me practical tips, things I could do as I continue my journey. Today I don’t talk of weight loss as my goal. I am conscious of my overall health and the results are visible. 
I would recommend Shaira for your health goals. Thank you Shaira. 


Thanks very much again for conducting a virtual event for us and it was very successful.

Sharia from The Wellness Lab conducted LIVE health talk for WeWork Hong Kong. The whole Hong Kong team members were invited and we received overall positive feedback in terms of the rich and inspiring content, clearness of content delivery and influential skills. Apart from that, Shaira always shows patience by listening to the participants' concerns and addressing their issues by providing different useful advice and solutions. She also demonstrates professionalism that always strives to deliver her events in the best way possible and we would like to express our appreciation of her efforts and passions of striving for perfection and success. 

 WeWork HK
Morgan Stanley

I came to shaira for some tips on lowering blood cholesterol & eating healthy. I have received great support and learnt a lot during our sessions together. she provides wonderful recipes for the new diet that she recommends & whole- heartedly follows up on emails giving all the tips that she mentioned during the meeting. Besides getting all the tips & recipes on healthy food I even gained good knowledge on exercise. Thank you so much dear shaira for your love & support to help me kickstart a journey to healthy living.


Let's get on a free discovery call?

Can't wait!