I know this sounds rather simple and obvious. You must be thinking…..”Of course I chew my food! I am not one that likes to gobble food down like a Cookie Monster!!” But are you chewing each mouthful 30-50 times?? That is how much we need to chew our food and I shall explain why. (I will be getting a little technical/boring but rather interesting I think …)
Digestion actually begins in the mouth and not in the stomach as many would think. The main function of the mouth is to chew and liquify food. The salivary glands under your tongue, produce saliva to soften your food. Saliva helps to keep your mouth and teeth clean. It also reabsorbs nitrates from green leafy vegetables and beets primarily, converting them into nitrites which are a thousand times higher than those found in plasma!! What this does is when swallowed, it mixes with acidic gastric juices and converts into nitric-oxide, which reduces inflammation THROUGHOUT the body. Isn’t that AMAZING!!
Besides, chewing also stimulates the hormones which produce T cells that are the core of the protective immune system! What’s more, chewing prepares you for maximum nutrient absorption of all your vitamins and minerals.
You must be thinking this takes the joy out of eating meaning we have to chew so much and can’t talk to anyone and concentrate on chewing only. This is absolutely true! However, it doesn’t have to sound so gloomy. We also need to respect the body and allow digestion to be an easier process. It is important to be conscious and mindful when having our meals especially if you suffer from indigestion, acid reflux, gas, tooth and gum problems. For the rest of us we can at least begin to become a little more mindful of chewing at one of our meals so that we are maximising on absorbing our nutrients and all the host of benefit chewing can do for us.
Want to give mindful chewing a try? This is what you do:
“Chewing” is a simple and effective way to improve our digestion and reduce gas. It is easy and doesn’t cost a dime. Give it a try and let me know how it has helped you. I would love to hear from you, please comment below.