December 14, 2020

We just love yogurt curry in our household now. I never had this while growing up but learnt to eat it at my in-laws house and now it is a staple in my own home. It is creamy, delicious, so easy to make and satisfies all our taste buds. The original recipe has some fried […]

Super easy yummalicious roasted red pepper sauce! Red capsicums are high in antioxidants, a good source of Vitamin A, B6, C, K1, E, folate and potassium. This sauce is very versatile to have it as a pasta sauce (dilute it), dip, or with any protein dish as a main. It is dairy free, gluten free, […]

December 14, 2020

With the crazy wet weather in Hong Kong, I made this earthy wholesome immune boosting mushroom soup!   Soups are first of all nourishing and enoki mushrooms (that are used in this recipe) are high in B vitamins, antioxidants, fibre, support the gut and low in calories. The combination of ingredients used also helps to […]

December 8, 2020

December 6, 2020

Ingredients: (Serves 2) Onion, Garlic, 1 pod Peppers Cabbage Beans Carrots Chinese mushrooms Chicken (optional) Vermicelli Sesame seeds – black /white Sesame oil Soya sauce Curry paste (I use a brand called koon yick wah kee) Turmeric powder/curry powder (optional if you don’t find the color yellow enough) Salt Spring onions   How to: 1. […]

May 21, 2020

Preparing for the weight loss journey Many a times we embark on a weight loss program whilst not being fully prepared mentally and sometimes physically as well. We think we can cope with what is to come but truly we have not fully delved into the matter head first. “Preparation is Key” We have all […]

Turmeric paste is so handy to keep ready in the house for any onset of inflammation, whether it is an itchy throat, cough, runny nose or aches and pains in the body. You can also use it as a condiment in a dish you are preparing such as chicken, tofu, soup or even any vegetable […]

April 7, 2019

December 18, 2018

It is so easy to give in to all the treats during this festive season and those extra pounds just pile on. When January comes, you are thinking why didn’t I have a better strategy?? So here it is… 1) Eat something before you go to a party/event At a party typically, you will always […]

Why did I decide to write about this? I love fresh herbs, the smell and the flavour they bring to a dish without adding on the calories compared to the sauces. It is definitely smarter to use herbs in our everyday cooking. So I wanted to share this with you all to keep the waist […]

May 16, 2018

… CHEW CHEW CHEW   I know this sounds rather simple and obvious. You must be thinking…..”Of course I chew my food! I am not one that likes to gobble food down like a Cookie Monster!!” But are you chewing each mouthful 30-50 times?? That is how much we need to chew our food and […]

April 10, 2018

Hummus Recipe

March 12, 2018

Why do I love this recipe? Coz it is easy, yummy, nutritious, versatile. It is my go-to for an easy snack to fill me up. It provides good protein, carb and fiber. My personal favourite is roasted garlic and tomato dipped with sweet bell peppers. Sometimes I will have it for breakfast on a toast […]